Reading those motivational stuff, life coaching stuff, time management etc are like throwing life buoys into the sea ur gonna swim in.
Yeah, i know you know how to swim, but swim, swim swim.... till u cramp/tire/drunk seawater etc and u'll struggle.... And if there's a life buoy around, just reach for it, and , bravo! u're safe again.
Was pretty much lost this morning. Woke at 9 and missed my morning workout yet again, and wasted time dithering around and i somehow feel asleep on the bed again and woke only at 12.
Then i remembered reading somewhere, its very impt to know why ur avoiding what ur supposed to do. Its pointless getting all motivated, adrenaline pumped, yet not know what the real issue was. And the real issue was: I was 3 days behind my revision schedule, and with the additional holi hw, i had no idea how i could get back on track.
So i planned. Now i'm just a couple of hours behind, thx to my chat with mommy dearest, as well as my gym session overun.
i planned to spend 1hour there, but ended up using 2 full hours. reason? I had bought the tv star cum former wushu champ Vicent Ng's fitness book recently and after taking a look at it i thought it would be unsuitable for me cuz they included lotsa exercises that required machines that my gyms (ntu 's staff clubs' as well as bishan's one) didn't have. I 'm not abt to go into any of those high end ones anytime soon, so well, no-go for me.
Besides, i had recently modified a workout in the recent men's health issue for my own use, cuz its meant to be a time-saver as well as a total body workout. But i didn't follow exactly as i wasn't familiar with some of the exercises there. I just researched which parts it worked, then improvised.
But anyway, i wasn't about to switch workout right away. But i did adopt a few tips in the book, like not eating 3 hours before u sleep etc.
Then today i looked at the book again, and saw one section: "Exercises to do every session" and geez they were all abs ones and look at vincent ng's abs and u go WOW. But of cuz i'm not having any illusions abt what i'd get even if i follow his workout. After all, if one were a national athlete before embarking on a workout, then the post-workout results 'd be far better than what an average lad 'd get.
Still, i decided to remove the abs part of my original 4 exercise workout and replace it with the exercises recommended in the book(which were, by the way, drawn up by a certain James Wong rather than Vicent Ng himself =/ ). So i timed myself and, guess what:
Time taken to do warmups+3 other exercises (Lat pulldown,bent over row, squats, this is my set B workout) : 55minutes.
Time taken to do the recommended abs workout: 50minutes.
oh my gosh.
But i won't give up just yet, cuz today's 3 other exercises were exceptionally long cuz i decided to record the weights i use to gauge my progess, hence i was alot more particular in finding the appropriate weight, which translated into alot of changing of weights( and the 1minute rest in between the switch for the bod to rest). yeah. So i can probably cut down the 50min to like 40? about there.
The abs one can be cut down if i can remember 'em and not have to constantly refer to the book. But i'll still refer to the book for the time being,because to be honest my form's pretty poor with the new exercises. However, when i do cut down i think it can go only to like 45min. Yeah, it'll take THAT long cuz of the awesome no. of reps u've gotta do since its rather hard to vary the resistance without a machine for abs exercises.
40 + 45 = 85min = 1hour 25minutes.
Sheesh. I wonder if i can keep that up when term starts again.
Otherwise i'll just go back to the good ole' crunches. Which hasn't got me any pacs, sad to say.
Oh btw my sis just said, "your body is getting bigger but your head's not. It looks weird".
err. ok. see if i can invent some "Head Press" machine o.O