Wednesday, November 08, 2006

If you lie to me don't get found out

It just seems silly how trivial this matter is.

That my mom, lies to me, of all things, about television.

U see, we tape a show regularly, the mon-wed 10.30-11.30 mystical show. Then this new airport show crops up and its from 10-11. So mommy last night ask me go watch my mystical show but i was playing weiqi. So i said no.

Then today when we watch the tape, she said, forgot to change channel, so only had half the show left.

Bloody liar.

I knew it then it was a lie, but i just kept quiet.

Then tonight again she ask me watch. I said no, cuz i can't watch it and still sleep by 11 as i had other things to do. Then she get pissed off. It really pisses me off that my mom, for the sake of TELEVISION, is trying to shake me off my schedule that i'm taking pains to stick to. It was all because of her guidance (compulsory afternoon naps, thereafter hardcore sch work) that lead me into relative success at psle. And now she's trying to derail all these good work?!

I can't comprehend this. It just sounds pure silly.

Oops i'm 2min off schedule. Bedtime, sweet dreams :)


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