Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Last Late Night

A hearty game altered what was to be a sorrowful post.

Ok, not SORROWFUL, but still, not the brightest of posts.

Today's workout didn't go as well, due to:

1)forgetting to bring my gloves
2)Not understanding the technique of the new exercises i included
3) not sure what weight to use. Seems that just after 2 weeks my strength dropped. Or is it that the absence of gloves made it so hard that i cannot distribute the weight properly?

But the biggest reason is: Nausea!!!!

Must be the lack of sleep last night after the ample sleep the night before. gee. So much for mine 10hour plan.

I made a new rule today, hands off the com after 10, but now its 10:53 and i'm still on it. But geez my weiqi game was well worth it.

Ok, last night's late night was silly, but i think it's worth it too. getting things off ur chest feels mighty great, though its effects might render it silly. But then, its the feeling that counts. The feeling of 放下心中大石and moving on. heh.

Because so far only my fitness plan's completed: might more to go. Up next, should be weiqi plan.



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