Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Back, to empty the pile

Things gonna get dull this week. Oh wait i should brighten up. I will learn soooooo many things this week!!!!!

Actually, its just that i plan to finish ALL my holiday hw, save for the projects, by next wednesday, leaving me a week and a half of holis to play and revise.

Yeah. So thats the plan. And i'm so gonna carry it out, even if it means doing less sihuo (about an hour a day, from 2hours a day in the previous wk) and playing less (from everyday to once every 2 days) . But since its like 'off-season' for weiqi i'll squeeze in half an hour to work on other things as well, like memorising the first 50moves of a pro game a day.

And i'll re-hit the gym again. Long time no see, Mr. Gym.

So come next wed, the pile'd be empty.


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