now time so for some pics
Chinese on monday night wasn't that bad... cuz my chinese's pro =D no lah, the paper was easy.
Ytd afternoon went gym with greg. his bicep's so well cut, but geez he gotta add some mass man, Mr. Rugger lol.But then again, we're both like, far far away from Chinks. nvmnvm holidays we'll catch up. went to collect new specs as well.
At night went home and rushed weiqi. I feel guilty lah, learning from philip is really good, i mean, theres the sihuo and of cuz best of all theres the game reviews, + his research. I mean, its probably even better than my training time in Beijing, if i make the best of it. But i'm not, so i really oughta pull up my socks.
Oh yeah today iwas kinda tired but i came sch anyway, got xls lesson and tingyu's last lesson. He's going for World Amateur Go Championship soon, Gambate!!!
Anyway for what happened today in sch, lemme use PICTURES!!! for once =)

See Ian must LOVE THIS PRESENT OF MINE!! I bought him a PLANE u see!!!
And see my Birthday wishes to him. bleah. and he did erase 'em.... -.O
See my specs.... pro bah! oh yeah i still look fierce fierce sia... oh wait when i went to cut hair and came back to take pics i smiled for the pics... 'll upload it along with rally pics when i've got more time...
And now for the most interesting pic today........
okie dookie.
Saw my APR today. not too good. "ll have to set out a list of targets for this june. Sometime soon. Of cuz, sch work ,weiqi, gym are gonna figure in it.
Now, for the last 2 days of sch....
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