Sunday, October 22, 2006

Funny to know someone thinks u write funny

Its one of those days again.

When i do nothing but surf useless stuff and re-read my own blog after seeing on jingna's blog that she laugh when she reads my blog which i thought was strange and after rereading my blog, conclusion is, she's strange =D

Oh today was the second last tuition lesson and i feel further and further away from my A1. Despite having written an 'A1 Plan' this morn and entered the steps into my google calender, its still a no-go. just a feeling of despondency i suppose, those chinese essays turn into a blur when scrutinised by my eyes, well aware that 1wk simply isnt enough to internalise the intricate grammar of my "Mother Tongue"(come to think of it, MOTHER TONGUE seems to suggest that its my native language, like, i'm a native speaker of chinese??).

And during tuition today harold was obsessed with my leg hair hahaha come on dude it's MAN! i know lah, hot models with hot Swimmer-type legs are hair-less, but plz i'm no model i'm an intellectual =)

Come to think of it i haven't done much intellectual stuff today. Was supposed to
1)Read chinese model essays (which did not succeed, as elaborated above)
2)Memorise xue er you passages (which got me, um, 45/70 for my sch zuo wen so, not much motivation heh)
3)Work on the sihuoti phillip sent me. Which i still INTEND to do. Just procrastinating, thats all.

But there's a sense of urgency for weiqi, cuz i know any major improvement HAS to come from this 2 months. Next yr's just simply gonna be too busy, as pet made disgustingly clearly known to me last nite. u see this snr in rj,is well , "specific and vague at the wrong times". Bad stuff? Crystal clear. Gd stuff? Find out for urself. Oh wait pet dun get pissed.

Not again. =p


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