Saturday, December 30, 2006

What i Like

Sometimes capturing feeling's not easy.

and cuz i didn't write anything mid-week, much of it's gone.

This has been a rather emotionally charged week. Not that anything huge occurred, just simply cuz its the last week of holidays.

Been raining non-stop early this wk. I can't rmbr much.

Ok lets focus on TODAY. Today i basically 闭关 right after gym to think abt what i want for next yr. Cuz as i said, the last few days were emotionally charged.

When u think about goals, it ought to be 1)EXCITING 2)SPECIFIC 3)achievable. And 3) is deliberately un-capped.Cuz if it is exciting enough, i know i'll find a way to get there.

What goals are exciting? Goals that let u achieve what you REALLY want.

What do i really want?

Nuggets picked up over the past few days:

1) Gymming. I really love working out i dunno why. Maybe its the pump i get from working out. maybe the sense of progression. Or the control and discipline it gives me over my life. Really enjoyed planning next yr's workout today.

2) Japanese ladies. Haha i didn't want to write it here but then again sch frens dun come here so its fine. U see yrs ago when i watched The Last Samurai i rmbr being enthralled by the wife (played by koyuki) of the samurai killed by Tom Cruise for quite awhile. Then on thurs after watching Death Note 2 i'm so captivated by Erika Toda (who acted as Misa) that for the first time ever, my wallpaper is not weiqi-related, but graced with her beautiful face.
But if you've watched both shows, u'll realise both characters are VERY different in character. So whats the similarity? Simply that they're japanese? Perhaps not. The 3rd kira in DN2 didn't evoke the same feelings. That they're subservient to guys? (koyuki's the demure, 听话kind, and misa is devoted to the point of blindly taking orders from Light 'just order, don't need to ask') Perhaps. But then u ask me now, i'd prefer Misa to koyuki. She looks so cute!! but its not just cuteness. Like, Hebe's cute. that taiwanese singer/host on 我猜's cute, but then they don't evoke the same feelings neither.
So what is it exactly? I think i gotta live in japan myself to find out.

There, there. 2 goals derived today.

1. Gymming goal (to be achieved by end of february 2007):

-Further Tone abs till they become thoroughly visible.
-Sub-10min for 2.4km Run
-Be able to perform 15 pull ups
-Be able to Bench Press 60kg
-Limit workouts to 4x a week

2.Learn japanese with the view to be fluent in the language within 4 yrs, or at least to be able to understand the language.

And guess what,its thru a short convo with phillip that i finally decided on the ORDER of my goals, plus the most IMPT: what to KICK out.

Here goes:
  1. Studies. (Its my bread and butter, people. I want those 4As. Then i can go anywhere. Just that if i fail to land a scholarship, then there goes my house :( )
  2. Weiqi. (I've said multiple times before that whatever progress i make next yr is likely gonna be the peak of my life, and yeah i'm gonna make it mt everest high. And phillip's prediction that if i work hard, i can reach zhang xiang's standard by next August is a real booster shot. Boston, i'm coming)
  3. Gymming (And ppl will be wondering why i didn't go into sports =p )
  4. Learning japanese. (as elaborated upon)

Alright tmrw's the 2nd day of my 闭关。i think another day of thinking and planning and packing 'd do me good.

Make me more englightened tmrw.

p.s: I think part of growing up, is gradually noticing that the movies stars u idolise are no longer that much older than u. Erika toda is only 18!!! oh bear with my 花吃-ness, it won't last long :P


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