Saturday, December 16, 2006

These days i can't think of good titles

so i write none.

Ytd didn't know that i had lesson, so rushed to lesson, then went for a run in the evening, then headed to ntu gym and for the first time in the long while did the cardio machines there.

Later it wasn't so good. the negative news wasn't smth i didn't expect, but forgetting abt it altogether was just ridiculous. Oh, and there's the sms, but well u know now i know i must go.

Today gymming for the first time in a long while fiq's PUNCTUAL!!!! *applause* Let's hope it'll be the same on mon at 7am in the morn, cuz i got tourney at like, 10.30 in the morn. Oh yeah, and we'll go get some minah's no. this time :P

But the effort spent today was rather rewarding. I got only 1 or 2 completely right, but for the rest of them, whatever % of what i've read out, i've sweated for it. Satisfied.

Then da pu from the 22nd issue of 棋艺mag. yes,i'm getting some feel back.

And after dinner its Sinbad Legend of the 7 Seas. Whee somehow i got the feeling that i've seen it before. I'm not sure. but it was nice anyway.

Alright. stack up loads of rest. Cuz there's still so much for me to persue.


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